28th of June - 9.00 18.00
Registration of participants 8.30-9.00
Greetings from Institutions 9.00 - 9.45
Prof. Pierpaolo Limone - Rector of Pegaso University
Dir. Emiliano Alborghetti - Academic Director of SAE Institute
Luca Poncellini - Design and Applied Arts Department Head of NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
Prof. Alessandra Micalizzi - Director of the DH Centre of Research UniPegaso and Referent of CTS of SAE Institute
Lectio Magistralis 9.45 - 11.00
AI and the biological origins of meaning - Prof. Vallortigara [University of Trento]
Coffee Break 11.00 -11.30
I Panel - Creative Narrative: text, hypertext and digital plots 11.30 - 13.00
Chair: Alessandra Micalizzi - Gilda Policastro [SAE Institute, Pegaso University]
Exploring AI-generated plot ideas for a TV series in the ‘alternate history’ sub-genre - Giampiero Brunelli [Pegaso University]
Cloned Verses: new scenarios for poetic writing in the age of artificial intelligence - Alessandra Corbetta [LIUC University]
Augmented, frustrated, or indifferent? How content professionals perceive and adapt their writing process after mainstream AI-powered tools. A survey involving chatbots and conversational search engines. Andrea Paternostro, Alessandro Bruno [Sae Institute, IULM]
Writing with Technologies: Reimagining the Author - Amy Spencer [Bath Spa university]
A color out of (narrative) space: how conversational AI could play gamebooks and support entertainment, game design and knowledge in the process - Stefano Triberti, Caterina Sapone, Silvia Fossati [Pegaso University]
Lunch Break 13.00 - 14.00
II Panel - Artificial Imaginary: Narratives, Culture and Counterculture about AI 14.00-15.30
Chair: Giuliano Cenati, Teresa Savoia [Pegaso University]
Creative Temporalities of AI-Assisted Production: Exploring Communication Designers’ Authorship and hallucination in literary texts generated through artificial intelligence systems- Daniel Raffini [Rome University “La Sapienza”]
Gpt-3 and “Storie Tese”: the automatic writing of Rocco Tanica - Luca Gallarini [University of Milan]
Artificial Intelligence in Brazilian secondary education policy - Lucas Barbosa Pelissari [State University of Campinas]
The Storyteller. Reflections on the relationship between narrative, imagination and AI - Elisa Poli [NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti]
Special Guests Discussion 15.30-16.30 -
New frontiers in Artistic Research in Music: the role of AI, AR & VR in music creation and research - Giusy Caruso [Royal Conservatory of Antwerp]
The Algorithmic Revolution of Images - Francesco D’Isa [Laba, Brescia]
III Panel Machine and Language: Models, Interaction Issues and Learning 16.30-18.00
Chair: Anna Rinaldin, Mirko Tavosanis [Pegaso University - Pisa University]
Beyond ChatGPT: AI Applications to Italian Language Varieties - Francesco Bianco, Stefania Elisa Ghezzi [Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Katedra romanistiky]
Lexicon and Onomastics of 'AI-talian' - Leonardo Terrusi [University of Teramo]
Simplification of Medical Language: AI as a Resource to Explore - Sabrina Tasso [Leonardo da Vinci University]
Medical dissemination in the texts of generalist artificial intelligences - Francesco Cicero [University of Milan]
To Use or Be Used: AI-Generated Content as a Human Technical Exercise - Angela Petrone [Illinois Institute of Technology, B.S. Digital Humanities]
29th of June - 9.00-18.00
Greetings 9.00-9.15
Prof. Manlio Del Giudice - Director of Management and Economy Dept.
Special Guest Discussion 9.15-10.00
Bruce Sterling – Artist, Visionaire, Adjunct Professor - European Graduate School & Jasmina Tesanovic - Feminist and political activist, writer, journalist, musician, translator and film director “The golden crocodile”
Lectio Magistralis - 10.00-10.30
Lev Manovich in dialogue with Pierpaolo Limone - Lev Manovich [NY University] “Cultural Analytics”
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
IV PANEL Artificial Music: Limits, Opportunities and Perceptions 11.00-12.30
Chair: Alessandra Micalizzi, Massimiliano Zanoni [SAE Institute, Politecnico of Milan]
Creativity in the times of Art, Reproduction, and Generation - James Brusseau [Pace university NYC], Luca Turchet [University of Trento]
Creativity, Digital Music Education (AI-ED) in the AI Era - Antonella Coppi (IUL University) Sara Valente [Conservatory "L. Marenzio", Brescia]
Toward Human-AI Collaboration in Music Composition: Insights from Composers' Practices - Tron Gianet Eric Luigi Di Caro, Amon Rapp [University of Turin]
Crafting Music and Audio via textual descriptions: Exploring the Future Evolution of Music Production and Audio Content Generation - Comanducci Luca, Ronchini Francesca [Politecnico of Milan]Something Like Orpheus: making new music heiring the past thru AI methods - Alessandro Francesco Ratoci, Clemence Martel [Conservatorio L. Campiani, Mantova]
12.30-13.30 Lunch Break
Round Table - Presentation of the results of DHCR Studies 13.30-15.00
Alessandra Micalizzi, Anna Rinaldin, Giuliano Cenati, Gilda Policastro, Teresa Savoia, Anna Siri
V PANEL New Gaze Era: Digital Images, Visual Effects and Audiovisual Products 15.00-16.30
Chair: Corrado Santoro, Fabio Pelagalli [SAE institute, NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti]
Looking and experiencing creativity with artificial intelligence: an intervention for older adults - Giorgia Del Bianco, Lucia Monacis, Giuseppe Annacontini [Pegaso University]
Masters or Puppets?The normative power of glamourous fashion within and beyond AI - Michele Varini, Silvia Mazzucotelli Salice, Eleonora Noia [Catholic University of Sacred Heart]
GenAI in Creative Processes: Exploring Professionals’ Perspectives and Experiences in Comics, Illustration, and the Visual Arts - Claudio Melchior, Manuela Farinosi [University of Udine]
Narrative Metamorphosis: Digital Media Characteristics and the 'Period Eye' in Heritage Interpretation - Adine Gavazzi Adine Gavazzi, Lorenzo Cantoni, Silvia De Ascaniis, Anna Picco, Schwenderer, Anna Siri [UNESCO Chair University of Genoa, USI - Università della Svizzera italiana, Pegaso University]
Blue brains and holograms: visual representations of AI - Romic Bojana [Malmö University]
Posters and Creative Products
Presentation of Artworks & Posters 16.30-18.00
Digitizing Tradition: The Opera out of Opera 2 Project's Journey to Engage the Next Generation - Michelangelo Galeati [Pegaso University]
SUA - Stefano Costi, Alessandro De Santis [SAE Institute]
AIneid - The Virgilian Aeneid in the age of AI - Fabio Morotti, Sumru Deniz [IULM university and Koç University]
Concrete Poetry 3D - Francesco & Giuseppe Piano [AsymetriA Art Lab]
1+1=11 - Monti Letizia, Campanale Crissi [IUAV, Venice]
I-Art: New Ways to Compose - Camatta Alessandro, Ferliga Luca e Corradini Alex [SAE Institute]
Explaining Pain Visually - Sasha Mazur-K [Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London]
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Creative Teaching: An Investigation of Education in the Technological Age - Sabrina Lucilla Barone [Pegaso University]
Of gods, tricks and weirdos. A perspective related to content, practices and aims in the usage of AR for touristic experiences and spatial storytelling - Paolo Bigazzi, Mariano Equizzi [SAE Institute]
The impact of Artificial Intelligence on tourist experiences: a critical analysis with focus on Eco-museums - Caterina De Marzo [Pegaso University]
Intersectional Artifacts: Enlisting AI After the Datalogical Turn - Renata Morresi, Mauro Carassai [California State University Northridge]
Conversational AI and autobiographical writings: training ChatGPT to provide useful feedback for self-awareness - Lara Balleri [Pegaso University]


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